Special Statement from the PresidentThe staff of the Lakeholm Viewer received notice late Tuesday evening from MVNU President Dr. Henry Spaulding regarding some unfortunate...
Student Life and SGA working to make improvementsThe Student Life and SGA offices are working hard to improve life at MVNU for students. At the "A Time to Talk” event on September 23,...
MVNU engineering department reaches ABET accreditation statusMVNU’s engineering department recently received accreditation from ABET, the Accreditation Bureau of Engineering and Technology, and the...
MVNU hires on new chapel administrationMVNU's chapel team has just been revamped. MVNU welcomed the arrival of its new Campus Pastor, Stephanie Lobdell, this past July. Lobdell...
Justice Project promotes student discussion on campusThe first Justice Talk of the fall 2019 semester asked the question “What is justice?” on Wednesday, September 11th. This Justice Project...
Safety concerns lead to snow days at MVNUMVNU has canceled classes and closed campus three days this semester due to extreme winter weather. Main campus was closed this semester...
MVNU celebrates the art of theatre at SETC ConventionKNOXVILLE, TN – The Southeastern Theatre Conference annual convention brings together theatre lovers – actors, singers, dancers,...
Esports bringing new teams to MVNU“Esports is identified as a very quickly growing sport,” according to Justin Nowicki, Mount Vernon Nazarene University Director of...
Busting moves for BelizeA chance to have fun while dancing and helping send students in Belize to school took place earlier this semester with a dance off hosted...
No more cafeteria trays at MVNUIn the fall of 2018, MVNU students, faculty and staff saw a major change in the MVNU dining commons with the removal of the trays. MVNU...