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Campus Safety Policy Update
With the recent double homicide in Mount Vernon as well as the rise of gun violence on college campuses around the country, students at...

Art students go off campus to draw human form unhindered
Several MVNU students have attended art sessions at Kenyon College this fall in order to practice sketching nude models. Senior Kevin...

MVNU models modesty in art courses
Sophomore Jenna Roberts knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she signed up to model for the art and design department this...

Todos por El ministry takes off
Group shares Christ through life experiences Todos por El is a bilingual campus Bible study that embraces faith and fellowship for MVNU’s...
‘Support group for life’
House church creates more intimate worship atmosphere MVNU is now home to a new type of worship. A group of students has formed a house...

Cypress welcomes married and graduate students
The Cypress apartments welcomed new tenants for the 2015-2016 school year, expanding the experience and age range of the MVNU community....

Coffee House Initiative aims to share Christ in non-traditional setting
MVNU students are constantly encouraged to take the community of faith on campus and spread it throughout the world. The mission comes...

Yes to the Dress? Not this year!
For years, SGA has reimbursed homecoming court members $50 for their dresses. This year, an almost entirely new SGA staff decided there...

Homecoming 2015 Schedule
Filled with events and activities, homecoming weekend will bring alumni back to their alma mater to remember and celebrate their years at...

Spanish Class is making the Fall Play available to the Spanish Community
The 2015 fall play “The Rainmaker” will feature a special performance on Nov. 13 for the Spanish-speaking community. “The Rainmaker” is a...
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