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TMS create a whole new world of tutoring
In past years, one-on-one tutoring sessions have taken days and even weeks to schedule due to the limited availability of staff, students...

New faces in SGA
SGA has a lot of new faces this year, with only one returning cabinet member. New faces mean an entirely new set of goals Student Body...

Bringing the 'Son' back to Sonfest
In previous years SonFest management has been outsourced to the production company Rush Concerts; this year, however, all SonFest...
Constitution in Question
Where did the phrases “constitutional right to marry” and “marriage is a fundamental liberty” come from, and where are they taking us?...
Nursing, health sciences go ‘above and beyond’ with CCNE accreditation
MVNU’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences recently announced that they met all standards to receive the maximum 10 years of...
Starving artists… and nurses
Students complain about lack of hot meal options with the closing of Baker Bros. Art, graphic design and nursing students spend countless...

SonFest 2015 promises full day of concert, community
Clear your schedule and get your tickets; all students get in free to SonFest 2015! With doors opening at noon, MVNU will kick off its...

SGA president: group is “starting everything new” this year
MVNU’s Student Government Association is starting the year off with a lot of energy and new ideas. With a new director, new president and...
Gay marriage ruling raises questions for Christian schools
MVNU and more than 100 other faith-based schools in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) have been drawn into a...
Gated for good: traffic must enter at new main entrance
An immovable obstacle keeps many students from their regular commute: the first entrance/exit on Route 586 at the edge of campus has been...
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