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Spring Break Wrap Up
MVNU students were flung far and wide for the spring break service learning trips. A total of 84 students traveled to Belize, Germany,...
A Night in Disguise
MVNU’s Drama Club is hosting a Masquerade Ball on Friday from 8 to 11 p.m. in Foster Hall. Co-presidents Breann and Becca Jamison oversee...

A Special Night
Over 20 athletes competed at the Knox County Special Olympics at MVNU’s Ariel Arena this past Thursday. Coordinator of Development Paul...

Turn on the Tubes
Last week, Admissions released MVNUTube, a student-generated YouTube channel to “showcase the life-changing qualities the University has...
The Dark Side of the Super Bowl
Kelleyann Stackhouse, co-leader of MVNU's Traffick Jam, had a hard time focusing on football during Sunday night's Super Bowl. That's...
Active Shooter Training Disappoints Students
Last week's active shooter training at MVNU reminded students to stay alert and trust their instincts. While students appreciated the...

Missing Cart – If Found, Call Galloway
A shopping cart appeared in the westside Galloway bathroom over the weekend and disappeared again on Monday. The shopping cart, sporting...
It's Good to have a Spare
The belt took an unscheduled break this morning while Facilities worked quickly to exchange the motor with a spare. “It’s not a happy...
Get a Jump Start at CareerFest
One of Ohio’s largest career fairs will kick off Friday, Feb. 2 in Columbus, Ohio. CareerFest is a career fair for students seeking...

MVNU students make blankets for foster children
Students from Dr. Terilyn Johnston Huntington’s Public Policy class and other volunteers came together in Ariel Arena to make blankets...
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