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SURC accepting applications
Today is the last day to apply for the Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Work (sURC). The event provides a platform for...
WNZR seeks to "Let it be love"
WNZR staff kicked off their annual fundraiser, Lifeline, this week. WNZR is the local Christian radio station of Knox County and an...
MVNU students present art and graphic design shows
The MVNU and Mount Vernon communities are invited to attend three exhibits from the MVNU Art and Graphic Design students at the...
MVNU welcomes renowned marriage experts
New Life Church of the Nazarene will host two separate events featuring Focus on the Family’s Greg and Erin Smalley. Today at 7 p.m, MVNU...
MVNU brings back Zumba
MVNU voice instructor Carrie Vail brought Zumba back to campus this semester. Vail and co-leader Tiffany McCallen teach a Zumba class...
MVNU works to combat sexual violence
MVNU Residential Life is hosting a series of events to unite the community against sexual violence while educating students, faculty and...
LEAP to perform in Columbus
MVNU’s LEAP Dance Ministry will take the stage at One Hope Community Church of the Nazarene in Columbus on Tuesday. LEAP, Living...
Communication students win national awards
MVNU communication students placed in the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) audio and video categories for the 11th consecutive year....
Casey Cougar to compete in mascot quarterfinals
Casey Cougar is moving on to the quarterfinals of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) mascot competition after a...
Students to provide "eyes in the field" for internet issues
MVNU’s Information Technology Services Department is coordinating a Wi-Fi Task Force to help diagnose and combat the ongoing internet...
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