Johns Joins SGAHannah Johns is a sophomore student who has recently been elected for the position of SGA president, but who is she? And why did she run...
Student Life and SGA working to make improvementsThe Student Life and SGA offices are working hard to improve life at MVNU for students. At the "A Time to Talk” event on September 23,...
SGA takes San DiegoSelect students of the Mount Vernon Nazarene University’s Student Government Association (SGA) traveled to Point Loma University in San...
Lawrence elected VP of Christian LifeSenior intercultural studies major Connor Lawrence was recently named VP of Christian Life. “I wanted this position because I love to...
MVNU looks forward to Homecoming weekendA weekend full of celebration, reunion, laughs, memories, and more is just around the corner. Homecoming weekend is Nov, 11-12 for Mount...
Students voice concerns at Town HallLast night MVNU administrators and students gathered for a Town Hall meeting where student questions and concerns were addressed by those...
Groveyard returning tomorrowGet ready to be spooked! Groveyard is returning to MVNU for the second year. Students, faculty and staff are invited to join SGA...
Let your voice be heardThe first Town Hall Meeting for MVNU students will be Oct. 27 at 9 p.m. at Foster Hall in Ariel Arena. The Town Hall is a way for...
Eat donuts, see dunks at "Meet the Team" nightTo celebrate the upcoming basketball season, SGA is putting on a “Meet the Team” event in Ariel Arena. On Oct. 14 at 9 p.m. the student...
Cougar crazies call on students for ideasThis semester SGA will implement a Cougar Crazies committee to provide theme ideas for home athletic events. Cougar Crazies refers to the...