Getting Cougar Crazie!
The Cougar Crazies are always present and vocal at sporting events, but not always in great numbers.
Last week the undefeated women’s volleyball team took on Crossroads League rival Indiana Wesleyan University. SGA planned a Green-out for the big game, and students and faculty alike filled the stands to support the team. The athletic staff estimated a crowd of 700 for the game.
Everyone with any connection to the athletic department was thrilled to see the arena full and active. A full arena always energizes the atmosphere for players, coaches and fans.
Last Friday was an experience like no other.
“I’ve only ever seen the arena that full and active during the homecoming games,” said Jenna Potts, a crewmember.
With the arena erupting at every kill, spike and score, the MVNU volleyball team was encouraged and supported through the whole match.
“I am really happy with the turnout for the volleyball game against IWU, especially since it was on a Friday night and conflicted with three big concerts in Columbus,” said SGA Events Chairperson Jessica Wells. “It’s great to see people supporting their peers, and I hope that a lot of students will continue to come out and support our teams.” Wells is in charge of Cougar Crazies.
SGA plans to continue promoting MVNU athletic events, and will throw out goodies and prizes at many games. Check out the SGA and Cougar Crazies social media site to keep up to date with the themes for each game.

“I love when the students come to support our team. It makes us feel special and it also helps us play with more intensity. When I score a point or make that crucial block after a long rally the fact that the crowd goes crazy is one of the best parts of home games! Thank you all for supporting us. We are truly grateful. GO COUGS!”
Kelsey Bryte
Middle Hitter

“I remember when I was serving on game point at the IWU game I heard the student section erupt in chants "M-V-N-U" and it made that win even more exciting. Having a large crowd come out to support us makes a big difference when it comes to the intensity and excitement of the game. “
Annelise Rohrer
Outside Hitter/DS

“We really appreciate all of the students who showed up for our game. The atmosphere was so intense and the crowd definitely contributed to the excitement!”
Marlowe Beatty