Todos por El ministry takes off
Group shares Christ through life experiences

Todos por El is a bilingual campus Bible study that embraces faith and fellowship for MVNU’s diverse student population.
Todos por El is Spanish for “All for Him.” The group began two years ago with a focus on multicultural students, but is open to everyone.
Members meet weekly in a relaxing setting to discuss their lives and how God has worked in and through them. Bible studies are held in The Dwelling, which is located in Central Complex, on Fridays at 8 p.m.
Leader Edward Solano and friends Denis Gomez and Enrique Salazar started the group by inviting their friends to a Bible study two years ago.
This year, attendance ranges from about 25 to 35 students a week. Solano, a junior, said his goal is for Todos por El to grow and become an ongoing piece of the University’s ministry. Specifically, he wants it “to continue after the generation that started it leaves this University and for more people to find fellowship and God’s love with us.” At the start of each study, Solano invites God into the room through prayer and asks him to meet the needs of the students. Next, Solano usually leads a few songs that help the group reflect on God’s goodness to them personally.
Each week, one student shares their personal testimony by relating specific moments that show how God has worked in his or her life.
Solano said personal testimony is a meaningful component of Todos por El. He called it “a moment when we can find God through sharing our life experiences and the love that he has placed in us.”
Students also share personal prayer requests, and the group holds hands and prays for one another. Many stay after the study for a time of fellowship.