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Volleyball senior thrives as team “mom”

Marlowe Beatty loves her teammates (as much as she loves the game)

Photo via MVNU SID

MVNU volleyball libero Marlowe Beatty, the only senior for the Cougars, is not just a team leader; she is the team “mom.”

All through the season, her teammates have called Beatty “mom.” They say it’s because she is a responsible, trustworthy role model who also loves the players and cares about their lives beyond the volleyball court.

“This team is family,” Beatty said. “I love that it’s about more than volleyball. We all want to win; we all want to be successful. But beyond that, we genuinely care about each other.”

Coach Paul Swanson said Beatty brings a unique combination of incredible character and outstanding skill to the team.

“I think we all feel very lucky that she’s our ‘mom’ and on our team,” Swanson said. “There isn’t a skill she is weak at. She is just extremely skilled in the back row. She has a great personality and she loves to compete. We’re lucky to have her.”

Beatty has garnered exceptional attention this season, earning Crossroads League Defender of the Week seven times, including five consecutive weeks at one point this season. She was also named NAIA National Defender of the Week four times this season. Beatty ranks No. 3 in Division I in Digs per Game (6.45).

Swanson said Beatty is a great inspiration to her teammates.

“I don’t know people who dislike her or think she is overrated; they like to go to battle with her on our team,” Swanson said.

Beatty’s teammates know that next year is going to be very different without their captain and best defensive player. They say someone is going to have big shoes to fill when she is gone.

“Marlowe is so valuable to the team because she’s a great leader,” said Carolyn Beatty, Marlowe’s sister and teammate.

“She cares about everyone else above herself and it definitely shows,” Carolyn Beatty said. “Marlowe wants the team as a whole to succeed more than herself, and I think that sets such a great example.”


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