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Experiencing the Holy Land

While some students may have spent their spring break sleeping in, others traveled to the Holy Land.

A group of MVNU students, led by Dr. Serrao, spent the two weeks of break exploring Israel and Jordan.

They visited a large number of Biblical locations, including Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem and Mount Carmel.

Before the trip, senior video/ radio broadcasting major Wesley Boston said he was looking forward to experiencing a new culture while bringing his faith to life.

“I’m most excited to be able to stand where Jesus stood — and to swim in the Dead Sea!” Boston said.

After returning from Israel, Boston confirmed that it was an amazing experience, but added, “It wasn’t all saunas and shawarma.”

Boston elaborated to explain the group learned a lot during the trip, including how to put aside differences in culture, race and religion.

“There’s more to the world, and to Christianity, than America”, Boston said. “We have faith in a God who works in real history, in real places and with real people.”

Boston explained that the most important lesson he learned on the trip was from a fellow student who commented, “we don’t have to go around the world to be closer to God; He’s with us here just as much.”


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