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Students can earn money, travel across the U.S. and share the gospel

Would you like to get paid this summer to travel and experience the wonders of God’s creation?

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks (ACMNP) provides students the chance to earn money while serving others in the national parks.

Through this experience, students may lead a church service in the Rocky Mountains, find a lifelong friend while hiking into the Grand Canyon or experience God’s presence backpacking through Yellowstone.

Tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., a recruiter from A Christian Ministry in the National Parks will be on campus in the lower level of the Hyson Campus Center to answer questions and encourage students to apply for the chance to serve and adventure in one of America’s national parks.

“ACMNP has given a Christian interpretation to the awe and grandeur of God’s creation in the nation's national parks,” recruiter Carrie Bruns said. “ACMNP has always been a ministry in rather than to the national parks, serving employees, residents and visitors through interdenominational worship services on Sundays.”

ACMNP is an interdenominational ministry dedicated to providing a Christian presence in the National Parks.

This ministry began in Yellowstone National Park in 1951 with the dream of providing Christian community for the people working in, living in, and visiting the first national park in the world.

Today, ACMNP lives its mission by sending roughly 200 ministry team members into 75 locations in 25 national parks from Alaska to the Virgin Islands.

The program gives students a chance to experience a life-changing summer while developing their own leadership skills and helping other people encounter God in the wonders of creation.

ACMNP volunteers earn a full-time income by working for the national park private concessionaires as waiters, cashiers, porters and other seasonal positions.

“This is a great opportunity to not only have a Christian team supporting you, but to live in a very worldly environment where you have to challenge yourself to pursue friendships,” Bruns said. “It is much easier as a student to be able to have a break in life to be able to experience something like this rather than to leave a full-time job to do so.”

For more information or to apply, speak with the recruiter, visit or contact Bruns at


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