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MVNU working on 3-year degree option

Mount Vernon Nazarene University has begun crafting a three-year degree program for students looking to graduate early.

This program surfaced in response to the explosion of College Credit Plus students who are taking college classes for credit for free during high school. Other factors include students’ desire to graduate earlier, save money and still receive an education from a private Christian college.

Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Barnett Cochran says this opportunity will be open to all students, whether they enter higher education with credits or not.

To finish the three-year track, students will continue classes throughout the summer months through MVNU’s Summer Learn program.

Dean Goon, the Associate Vice President of Innovative Education, said over 550 students have already taken advantage of one or more of 25 classes that are currently offered during the summer.

However, these courses will expand as the program is implemented into MVNU’s academic community.

The three-year degree program is at the beginning stages while Academic Affairs researches the options to find the best route.

According to Cochran, a handful of MVNU’s majors already align nicely with the three-year degree criteria.

“We have done some preliminary work in some programs,” he said. “We see paths in some of the smaller majors.”

The biggest benefit for students who opt for the three-year degree is a reduced price for a college education. Cochran said he hopes the program will draw in students who otherwise would shy away from a liberal arts Christian education because of the price.

“We are trying to create pathways for access,” Cochran said.


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