Social media brings out #HeartofMVNU

#HeartofMVNU is a social initiative reaching out to alumni, friends and students of MVNU.
The goal of this initiative is to saturate the online community with stories about the legacy and impact of MVNU, connecting MVNU’s “extended family” to each other and to the university.
“We truly care about each person who has been impacted by MVNU, and we would love to hear their story. Their story is what makes MVNU, MVNU,” said Assistant Director of Development Giving Taylor Kochheiser.
The hope for #HeartofMVNU is to give all individuals the opportunity to tell their story.
Every student, professor and employee that steps foot on MVNU’s campus is impacted in a unique way, Kochheiser said.
“Lives are changed here at MVNU and we are so thankful for that,” said Kochheiser. “Our goal is to show and share love for MVNU though stories.”
#HeartOfMNVU was created to learn more about those who have been touched by the University during its nearly 50-year history, and how they are “Shining Forth” as a result.
“We know we are where we are because of others, but what is even more intriguing is where others are because of MVNU,” said Kochheiser.
Over the next couple of months, MVNU administrators hope people will take to social media to tell their stories, celebrate successes, share spiritual triumphs, rekindle friendships and remember the memories of MVNU.
During the month of February, those who post using #HeartofMVNU will be entered to win a Fitbit or an MVNU sweatshirt. Those who use the hashtag must have their profile set to “public” to be seen and entered to win.