MVNU Summer Learning registration open now

MVNU is offering current and future students the chance to get ahead in their studies over the summer by taking online classes at a more affordable rate than usual tuition.
Students who enroll in MVNU Summer Learning classes pay half of the cost of in-seat courses. The cost per credit hour is $200.
Students who participate typically take general education courses during the summer so they can concentrate on their major classes during the fall and spring semesters.
“For me summer courses were great because I got classes done that were not a part of my major,” said sophomore nursing major Caleb Potts. “That way I had lighter load and could focus on my major classes and clinicals during the school year.”
Another benefit of Summer Learning is the ability to focus on just one or two classes at a time, Potts said.
“Summer courses can also help raise your GPA because you can focus on doing your best in one or two classes that you may have struggled with during the school year,” he said.
Any student can participate, but the program is especially beneficial for incoming freshmen who want to get ahead, athletes who need a lighter course load and students who hope to graduate early.
Students can take courses in arts and humanities, business, education and professional studies, natural and social sciences, theology and philosophy or prep courses, such as algebra.
Summer Learning provides a variety of plans for students. The courses range from six to 12 weeks.
The 12 week courses (A-term) take place from May to August. The six-week courses (B-Term) last from May to June and (C-Term) runs from July through August. The fourth option (D-Term) is an eight-week course from June through August.
Because the classes are online, students can complete assignments on their own time. The majority of courses require students to submit weekly assignments and to log in online two to three times a week for discussions.
Registration for courses closes two weeks before the beginning of each session, but University officials recommend that students register early as some sections fill up quickly.
For more information and to register, visit