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Active Shooter Training Disappoints Students

Last week's active shooter training at MVNU reminded students to stay alert and trust their instincts.

While students appreciated the practical tips, many thought the training didn't go far enough.

“I like the advice they gave us,” sophomore Molly Scheich said. “However, I believe more precautions might be helpful.”

Sophomore Michelle Leighty shared Scheich’s sentiments.

“I feel like they could’ve done more, honestly,” Leighty said. “I feel like it’s the same thing they’ve been telling us.”

Some students said they hoped for more of a hands-on drill including role playing, and more detailed instructions on how to respond in the event of a crisis.

While Leighty said she realizes that MVNU can’t reveal specifics of the response plan for security reasons, she wishes the school would “give us something they would want us to do.”

The training covered much of the same safety tips freshmen receive during orientation.

Dean of Students Aaron Quinn led the training Jan. 26 during chapel. Quinn is a former Ohio State Highway Patrolman of 13 years.

Quinn talked multiple times about knowing where exits and potential escape routes were. He also encouraged students to be aware of their surroundings and advised them not to get too comfortable in the same routine.

Quinn also cautioned against keeping silent in a situation when it feels “something is not right.”

“How many people will say after an incident happened, ‘I wish I would have just said something?’” Quinn asked.

Before Quinn's presentation, University Chaplain Joe Noonen stressed that the training was not a drill and addressed those who might have sensitivities to the subject.

“I appreciate their sensitivity to those who have experienced traumas,” Scheich said.

Quinn stated multiple times that the goal of the training was not to scare students, but to make them aware of their surroundings.

The University decided to hold the training during chapel based on student feedback.

“The question was asked when will we do something like this, especially in [the chapel] where we would be incredibly vulnerable,” Noonen said.

While MVNU statistically is one of the safest campuses in the country, students still need to be aware that a scenario such as an active shooter could happen, Quinn said.

Quinn said the University deserves credit for addressing such a sensitive subject and called it a "blessing" that the MVNU administration was willing to be open about the topic.

“A lot of schools shy away from this training," he said.


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