"Let Go and Have Fun"
Seniors Reflect on 4 Years of Softball Memories

The regular season is winding down, and the Lady Cougars are looking to finish strong and head into playoffs at the top of their game.
With just one week remaining, the team has put together a 21-13-1 record (13-9-1 in the Crossroads League), and the players are feeling optimistic about the conference tournament.
“We’re a lot stronger all around this year,” junior pitcher Jenn Kurelic said.

Early in the season, the Lady Cougars put together an 11-game winning streak.
The team has four seniors who have been an important part of this season’s success. Savannah Bryner, Natalie Carpenter, Anna Boue’ and Emily Kauble have all been with the team for four years.
For them, their sport is more than just a game; it’s family, friendship, fellowship and pure joy.

"My freshman year I was told not to worry about what happens in the games because in 10 years from now, you won’t remember if you got a hit or made an error, what you will remember is the bonds that were created with your teammates,” senior Savannah Bryner said.
Bryner said she “never knew what that meant — until now.”
But with the end of her senior season approaching, “I look back and see all of the memories that were made with my teammates, and most of those memories were outside of softball,” she said.

Bryner embraces the family aspect of the team.
“These girls have become more of my sisters than teammates,” she said.
Seniors say many of their favorite memories came from the annual spring break trip to Florida.
“That was when we were really able to get to know each other on the team,” Boue’ said.
Kauble agreed: “The laughter, and the bonding moments — those are memories I will have for a long time.”
As the seniors reflect on their softball careers, they are thankful for the lessons learned in their sport.
“Being a leader has helped me prioritize my time and has helped me problem solve in the softball world and school life,” Bryner said.
Kauble said softball has taught her to be a role model.
“A lot more people than you realize are looking up to you and are expecting a lot out of you on the field and in the classroom,” she said.
“It is fun and exciting to be able to help and be a leader in other people’s lives, but you have to understand people are watching what you do and embrace it.”
Carpenter said softball also helped her learn to balance her responsibilities.
“I have learned that prioritizing your time is one of the most important things a student athlete needs to learn,” Carpenter said.
While all are looking forward to graduation and a new stage of life, they are sad to say goodbye to their team and their sport.
“I’ve played since I was 10 years old so knowing that playing softball will be all over after this season is sad to think about,” Boue’ said.
All four offered similar advice for the younger players.
“Let go and have fun because before you know it, it will be over,” Carpenter said.
Pictured Above: Anna Boue', Emily Kauble, Natalie Carpenter, Savannah Bryner