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2018 Homecoming a Monumental Event

Homecoming 2018 was a fun-filled and very exciting time for Mount Vernon Nazarene University. This year’s homecoming happened to be the University’s 50th anniversary. There were many activities and much to do for this special occasion on campus. Travis Keller, the director of alumni relations, as well as the person who put everything together for this momentous occasion, shed some light on the events surrounding homecoming. Homecoming each year happens to be Keller’s busiest week of the semester as he is trying to coordinate reunions, honoring former athletes and other important events. This year’s homecoming required that he go above and beyond the usual responsibilities and events that take place during homecoming week. He said that planning for this year’s homecoming preparation began September of last year. A few events he coordinated for this special event are the Alumni Leadership Summit, Entertainment Showcase and the Golden Gala. When it comes to attending homecoming events, Keller has been involved with it for around 12 years now. One of the biggest things that Keller looks forward to most about homecoming each year is being able to see all his friends and working with friends and colleagues all over campus.

Madison Krebs, an admissions counselor here at MVNU, has a bit of a different perspective on homecoming than others on campus. Like Keller, she has also helped with homecoming the past couple of years. One of the things she loves most about homecoming is seeing everyone coming together, sharing stories as well as watching the campus come alive with so many people around.

“MVNU celebrating its 50th anniversary is very special to me. While working in admissions, I have met many alumni who went here and had great experiences here,” said Krebs. “I love knowing that they experienced the same love of Christ and the same community that I experience to this day. God has brought this university so far, and I love to be a part of changing the world with the love of Christ. I’m excited for the future of MVNU!”

Trevor Monk, a junior sports management major, was also quite excited for MVNU’s 50th anniversary. Though he has not been around for very many homecomings, Monk does look forward to the homecoming chapel and the emphasis put around it. Monk finds it to be quite amazing that the university has made it to this historic mark. He also enjoys seeing some of the changes that have happened over the past couple of years and hearing about how things were when former students went here.

The homecoming events and festivities are always a momentous occasion here at MVNU, but this one will definitely be put in the history books as an amazing milestone in the history of Mount Vernon Nazarene University. So many people have come together for this event, and so many people have been involved in order to make this occasion as special as it is. To say the very least, everyone in and around MVNU is overjoyed at how far the university has come and how far it still can go.


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