Justice Project promotes student discussion on campus

The first Justice Talk of the fall 2019 semester asked the question “What is justice?” on Wednesday, September 11th. This Justice Project event featured Dr. Hank Spaulding, Associate Campus Pastor, speaking on the topic and prompted small group discussion of justice, righteousness and peace. Dr. Spaulding said that justice must always be rooted in faith, relational and inclusive for everyone, maintaining that everyone deserves justice simply by “being a creature made in the image of God.”
Justice Project coordinators Ellen Baker and Daniel Luther have planned several events throughout the upcoming semester. The next event is scheduled for November 4th and will be on the topic of “Creation Care,” followed by a Refugee Talk on November 18th. Both events will start at 7:00pm.
The MVNU Justice Project “works to seek out and address issues concerning the wellbeing of humanity through education, discussion, and positive action with the purpose of bringing the Kingdom to the community.”
Photo by Daniel Luther